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Why is my cat's eye cloudy?

Has your cat developed a cloudy eye? In today's post, you will learn about the most common causes of cloudy eyes in cats, treatments commonly used, and the potential risks associated with neglecting this issue.

Understanding Cloudy Eyes

Cloudy eyes refer to a hazy or opaque appearance of the eye's surface, indicating an abnormality in the eye's structure or function.

When a cat's eyes become cloudy, it can be a symptom of various ocular conditions. A sudden cloudy eye in cats, especially when there is no discharge, requires attention right away. Contact your vet immediately or take your cat for an examination at the emergency animal hospital nearest you.

Cloudy Eye in Kittens

Kitten cloudy eyes are particularly concerning. Your feline friend will only get one set of eyes, so doing all you can to protect the health of your kitten's eyes is essential. Although cloudy eye in kittens without discharge can be an indication of many of the same health problems that affect adult cats there is also a chance that the problem could be due to infections passed down from the mother.

It is vital to have your kitten examined by a veterinarian as soon as possible.

Common Diseases Associated with Cloudy Eyes in Cats

Below are some common diseases that can cause cloudiness of the eye in cats:

Eosinophilic Keratitis

Cats with eosinophilic keratitis typically develop raised pink, tan, white, or grey lesions on the surface of the cornea. Most frequently seen in cats under four years of age, eosinophilic keratitis often develops in cats infected with feline herpesvirus.


A leading cause of cloudy eyes in cats. Cataracts occur when the lens of the eye becomes opaque, obstructing the passage of light. The most common cause of cataracts in cats is inflammation within the eye (uveitis) although genetics, metabolic conditions (diabetes and high blood pressure), and cancer have also been associated with the development of cataracts in cats.

Corneal Ulcers

Corneal ulcers are painful open sores on the surface of the eye (cornea) that can cause cloudiness. The most common cause of corneal ulcers is a recurrent infection with the feline herpesvirus (FHV), although other potential causes include, eye scratches sustained in fights, ingrown eyelashes, dirt trapped beneath the eyelid, and exposure to caustic chemicals.


Glaucoma is a condition characterized by increased pressure within the eye, leading to optic nerve damage, a bulging appearance of the eye and clouding. The most frequent cause is severe eye inflammation (uveitis) that leads to a blockage of the eye’s drainage ducts, resulting in a build up of excessive pressure within the eye. This condition is very painful for our feline friends and must be treated as a veterinary emergency.

Nuclear sclerosis (or lenticular sclerosis)

Nuclear sclerosis in cats is characterized by a blue-tinged “haze” that forms in the lens of the eye, (similar in appearance to cataracts). This condition is very common in senior cats and does not typically affect vision too severely. Nuclear sclerosis generally occurs in both eyes and tends to be slowly progressive. No treatment is necessary.

Treatment for Cloudy Eye in Cats

The appropriate treatment for cloudy eyes in cats depends on the root cause. It is crucial to consult a veterinarian for an accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment plan. Here are some common treatment approaches that your vet might recommend depending on the type and severity of your cat's eye condition:


Depending on the specific condition, medications such as eye drops or ointments may be prescribed to address infections, reduce inflammation, or manage glaucoma-related pain and eye pressure.


In cases of cataracts, surgical removal of the affected lens may be recommended. This procedure aims to restore vision and improve the cat's quality of life. 

If the inflammation and pain associated with your cat's glaucoma can not be managed with medications, surgical removal of an affected eye may be necessary.

Supportive Care

Treating the underlying condition and providing supportive care, such as regular eye cleaning or artificial tears, can help alleviate symptoms and slow down disease progression. Following treatment, your vet might recommend at-home care to limit the risk of your cat's eye condition returning or becoming more severe.

Treat Cloudy Eyes Right Away

Leaving cloudy eyes untreated can have serious consequences for your kitty's health and well-being. Without proper intervention, these conditions could lead to:

  • Vision Loss. Cloudy eyes can significantly impair a cat's vision, making it difficult for them to navigate their surroundings. Vision loss can impact their overall quality of life and increase the risk of accidents and injuries.
  • Pain and Discomfort. Certain eye conditions associated with cloudy eyes, such as corneal ulcers or glaucoma, can cause significant pain and discomfort. This can lead to behavioral changes and a decline in the cat's overall happiness.
  • Secondary Complications. If left untreated, ocular infections or underlying diseases can progress and result in more severe complications, potentially affecting not only the eyes but also other areas of the body.

Prompt veterinary attention is crucial to identify the underlying cause and initiate appropriate treatment. Treating eye problems quickly can help improve your cat's prognosis and prevent further deterioration of vision.

 Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. Please make an appointment with your vet for an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition.

Does your cat have a cloudy eye? Contact our Greensboro vets right away to learn about the advanced eye care provided by our board certified ophthalmology specialist.

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